Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dark Feces Causes Drinking My Dog's Feces Was A Dark Green, Should I Worry?

My dog's feces was a dark green, should i worry? - dark feces causes drinking

My dog poo was dark green, and he behaved like a little uncomfortable before they go to the toilet, which makes this color? Food? Parasites? What can I help?


Sarah M said...

I would not worry too much dog waste is to change the consistency and color depending on diet and exercise levels. I wonder if they do not seem to, if you reduce a gallbladder problem. Gallbladder problems can cause the green to yellow when it is producing too much bile, or green-brown, if not enough is being produced. If your stomach is sensitive to touch, which means the pain, I would immediately consult a veterinarian

Sarah M said...

I would not worry too much dog waste is to change the consistency and color depending on diet and exercise levels. I wonder if they do not seem to, if you reduce a gallbladder problem. Gallbladder problems can cause the green to yellow when it is producing too much bile, or green-brown, if not enough is being produced. If your stomach is sensitive to touch, which means the pain, I would immediately consult a veterinarian

WC said...

At best a vet about it. Layman can only speculate. A veterinarian can usually you.If an offer after survey is uncentain laboratory tests can lead to this problem.

aj said...

Please hear ALG ... Only with the correct answer ...

BLULINR said...

OMG! He ate the Great gazoo!

TooBeauC... said...

Many will let? He could be eating grass.

tkl_m28_... said...

99% of the time when all chairs are green because they used to drink grape juice or wine.

The purple grapes or drinks are usually a chemical additive that changes the color of the chair - for some time again.

If your dog does not change the mud back in a day, then call your veterinarian.

chiquita said...

oh nooo Hershey Squirt

chiquita said...

oh nooo Hershey Squirt

Mz. L said...

I am not a vet, we can only speculate, but there are one or two things that I know that sometimes causes. One is the iron in the diet, which may cause black or green poo. The other is that he might eat grass, which can also lead to gas sometimes. But like I said, I am not a vet so do not take my word.

mary kate said...

Probible food. If it seems only unconfordable you explain this to your veterinarian. Meen frames should see you go, but it's from or violence. feel beter

alg said...

Go call your veterinarian quickly. I do not know, and if a veterinarian is not trained here, nobody has. You should talk to a professional.

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